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Czestochowa - Jasna Gora Monastery

Duration: 6 hours

Jasna Gora Monastery in Czestochowa is the religious capital of Poland and one of the world’s most important destinations for pilgrims. This is the holiest place of Poland and each year the several million pilgrims come to pray before the the worldwide-known miraculous Black Madonna Shrine. The painting of the Virgin belongs to the group of Hodigitria icons "she who indicates and guides along the road". Historians date the famous painting to the 14th century. But a legend says it has been made by the St. Luke Evangelist on a piece of wood from the table used by Virgin Mary in Nazareth. The Jasna Góra icon represents the Biblical message and invites the pilgrims for prayer and reflection. The tourists visit the Basilica and the Armory, too. It is the Miraculous presence of the image which has always attracted pilgrims not only from all over Poland but from all over the world.
