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Excursion to the Salt mine in Wieliczka
Duration: 3 hours
The town of Wieliczka is located in distance of 15 km south-east from Krakow. Wieliczka is famous for having one of the oldest operational salt mine in Europe which has been working for over 700 years, which was entered on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List in 1978. It is an underground labyrinth that stretches over 200 kilometres of tunnels we discover a mysterious and unique underground city housing chapels with amazing salt sculptures and bas-reliefs, massive high-ceiling caverns, dark-watered lakes and the breathtaking Chapel of St. Kinga- carved out of a huge block of salt. It took over 30 years to complete this underground temple,
and about 20.000 tonnes of rock salt had to be removed. Throughout our visit we’re accompanied by the local guide who recounts the history, myths and legends of the mine.